The Accuracy of Student Self-Assessment
Does increased engagement of criteria building contribute to accurate self-assessment of curricular outcomes?
There are a few reasons why there may be hesitations in regards to self-assessment. These reservations include inaccurate measures of ones ability (high or low), neglect aspects of what is supposed to be assessed, as well as being in an environment that is not conducive to honest assessment practices.
The data does seem to be mixed. There are sources which determine that self-assessment date is inaccurate and should not be used. On the other hand, promoting the skill of self-assessment has a positive effect on student learning. A priority of engaging students in assessment practices is to enhance student learning.
In regards to responding to social studies open ended written response questions, students are given the task of building and communicating knowledge to a certain level. In the process of engagement I have taken in this first cycle of investigation, students would be creating their own criteria, building their knowledge to match that criteria, and determine a way to communicate that information effectively. In these three stages, control is in the hands of the students.
To go one step further in this process, students may also be in a position to now self-assess their final product in relation to their uniquely created criteria. If they are confident in communicating their understandings to a certain level, they would be in a position to assess their product.
In order to reflect on this process, it will be important to determine how engaged students were in the process of building their understandings to meet the criteria. It will also be important to determine if this increased responsibility in the assessment process had a positive or meaningful impact on student achievement.
Brown, G., Andrade, H., & Chen, F. (2005). Accuracy in Student Self-Assessment : Directions and Cautions for Research. Assessment in Education Principles Policy and Practice, 22(4). Retrieved from
(2007). Student Self-Assessment. The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat CAPACITY BUILDING SERIES, (4). Retrieved from
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